Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Quick Visit!

Well, we just had the time of our lives. Mom flew into Phoenix AZ for cancer treatment. So we drove down to keep her company. The Cancer Treatment Center of America is awesome. They make the gloom of cancer take a back seat while they pamper the patient. We were so impressed with all the services offered to the patients. It is like going on vacation and having the ability to do Chemo while you are there. I will now donate to the Cancer Society. The money truly goes to help the patients.

We brought Mom back to Vegas with us to recover. We were able to do few things and when she could taste again, we went to the Bellagio for dinner. She was able to get her crab.

We went back to Arizona to have her checked out. Then we went to our cousin Anette Crismons' wedding in Mesa, AZ. We were able to see and mingle with the family. It was great. On Sunday the 7th, Mom returned to Hawaii. She was greeted by her gang who had kept in touch with her through skype....they are happy she is back.

Thanks for the great time Mom. We love you!

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