Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mr. Leo's Graduation

Wednesday morning Mr. Leo had his Kindergarten Graduation and it was the cutest thing ever. The kids sang and danced to a couple of songs they learned this year but the cutest one was a Hawaiian song choreographed by his Aunty Shannon. When they handed him his diploma he was so excited and stated to giggle. I wish I had the video of it because he was so dang cute. Hopefully his mother will post it.(hint, hint)I can't believe my baby is growing up, before I know it he'll be graduating High School.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Small Family Reunion ( Farewell )

We had a wonderful trip to say farewell to our dear Uncle Paogoui. We were able to see our aiga from down under. Aunty Siapo, Paul and Terina. Even as we mourned the passing of Uncle, we were able to to visit and catch up with each other. We were also pleased to meet our cousin Christabell a daughter of Uncle Paogoui. We had such a great time, saying goodbye was bittersweet. All our love to our aiga...that means all of you down under too. We love you all...Kevin and Kayla