Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Next American Idol

I am so excited for this years American Idol! I have been searching the internet for any and all information on "Our" American Idol. I couldn't believe how many fanatics there are out there. There are tons and tons of websites but the best one I have found so far is she is a true fan. I read that she spends 8-10 hours on the website everyday(Crazy!). Anything you ever wanted to know about anyone who has been on AI since the beginning is on there. One thing that I thought was cool is that she posts a video of each audition after it airs. I thought this would be handy for anyone that wants to download "Our" American Idol's video next week.

1 comment:

The Lyon Family said...

I looked at her webite today, can you say obsessed! I wonder if this lady has a real job or if her husband goes to work all day while she blogs non stop about AI. crazy lady